College Ministry
College Ministry, Increasing Our Faith
We invite all Fairmont State University students, as well as any other area college students and young adults, to join us each Sunday for worship and Wednesday evenings for bible study.
Oakwood Road has a bible class for young adults and college students every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. We are only 3 & ½ half blocks (about a 7-minute walk from campus), but if you need a ride, just let us know!
Feed the Falcons!
Feed the Falcons! Every Wednesday @ 6pm during the Fairmont State University school year, the congregation provides dinner for any college students before bible study. All you have to bring is your appetite!
Increasing Our Faith (I.O.F.)
is a Fairmont State University Registered Student Organization that meets weekly during the school year. Our mission is to examine God’s word in order to better understand His desires and increase our faith in Him. We encourage you to come and join us for Bible study, discussion, and fellowship.
If You Visit
Please come and be with us as we try to serve God in our lives.
Oakwood Road Church of Christ
1 Oakwood Road
Fairmont, WV 26554
Times We Meet
Sundays @ 9:30am, 10:15am & 6pm
Wednesdays @ 7pm
Contact Us
[email protected]
(304) 363-1239