Oakwood Road Church of Christ

We are a congregation of Christians aimed at being the salt and the light of the world through following God’s Word.

 Hope to see you soon!

Sunday ServiceWednesday Eve

New Service Schedule

July 5, 2020


8:45am – Indoor Service

9:45am – Outdoor Service



An indoor worship service will be available beginning at 8:45 AM. Services will last approximately 45 minutes. There will be assigned seating in order to maintain physical distancing during the service.

Please arrive approximately 10 minutes early to allow us enough time to seat you in a noncrowded fashion. 


An outdoor worship service will be available in the church parking lot at 9:45 AM. Please bring your own seating. In case of bad weather, an 11:00 AM service will be available in the building.


If you don’t yet feel safe attending services in person, the 8:45 AM service will be recorded and available online by 10:30 AM as we’ve been doing these past weeks.


Please call Sue Wise at the building by Friday Noon if you plan to attend. This will help us to determine the number planning to be at services and allow us to arrange seating for proper distancing.


For additional information see note below!


We are glad you found our site. Please check out our Events & Media section for upcoming events and Biblical lessons.

Hope to see you soon!

Service Times and Location

Sundays (9:45 – 6pm), Fairmont, WV

Wednesday – 7:00pm Bible Class & Devotional

Oakwood Road Church of Christ
1 Oakwood Road
Fairmont, WV 26554
(304) 363-1239

What to Expect

Who Are We, Worship and Bible Study, Life Groups, Young People, If You Visit

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer,” (Acts 2:42).

What must I do to be saved?

“You must be born again” John 3:7b

There is no more important question one can ask than the one above. The barrier between us and God and that which keeps us from being saved is sin. Sin is defined as “transgressing God’s Law,” (1 John 3:4).

Who Are We?

Our goal at the Oakwood Road church of Christ is to wholly follow Jesus in our lives and to simply be Christians. We acknowledge that the Bible is a complete and perfect book which contains everything we need in reference to what God demands from us and how we should live (2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:3).

Worship and Bible Study

We have regularly scheduled Bible classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. These classes are designed for all ages from babies and toddlers all the way up to adults. There is a special college class plus two women’s and one men’s adult Bible study.





For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


– John 3:16

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


– John 1:1

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


– John 14:6

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit


– Matthew 28:19

A Message from Brent

Thank you for visiting our website!

We are a group of Christians dedicated to following Christ. We would love to have you worship with us. If we can help you in any way in your spiritual search feel free to contact us.

West Virginia Christian Youth Camp

WVCYC is non-profit organization dedicated to providing young people with a wholesome program of Bible study, spiritual growth, and personale enrichment in Christian atmosphere.

Each day’s Schedule is filled with Bible classes, worship hours, devotional and Bible Bowl competitions. Recreation time is carefully structured to ensure best use of time for fun and fellowship. Selfless volunteers comprise stuff during each week of camp.


Oakwood Road Church of Christ
1 Oakwood Road
Fairmont, WV 26554

Times We Meet

Sundays @ 9:30am, 10:15am & 6pm

Wednesdays @ 7pm

Contact Us

[email protected]
(304) 363-1239